Sound Installation

The Growth, Our thoughts on seeds.
Performance and Installation
We seeds are trying to germinate in this infrastructure that overwhelms, eats away at you, and break you apart. But with the nuance that defines us, we unite, we gather, we create spaces and generate community. This space generates resistance for us, that in this absurd world that we life we have become illegal and mistreated for the main reason of existing/been. In an exercise about coming together, dignified life and growth. We gathered to create, learn, re-learn new processes from the forgotten spaces and in this way enhance resistance. An artistic approach on the territorial research carried out, the importance of weaving community networks of learning and their reflections on self-care. Resisting from the culture and the rootedness,
We wish you all,
A lot of gathering,
A lot of gathering,
A lot of walking with the land,
A lot of consulting with the plants,
A lot of collective care.
Your Seeded Team

Growth – Installation
Map of seeds across the room
Growth – Installation
Props for the last part of the performance

Nature, in the common sense, refers to essences unchanged by m

Translation from Ecoescuela Mutalitos
“The project formally began in 2007 and Rosa’s eldest son played a definitory role in it, who was violently taken away from her in a situation that has not yet been clarified. To this event she refers”.
Here is the sweat of my son, of a very dear person, because he was here helping me, taking out the garbage, if he were here, another rooster would be here, because he was a boy who worked hard, shoulder to shoulder we both worked, surely we would have taken this out, we would have had more things, because we were two people working, But when they kill him, when he dies, obviously one’s morale drops, there is no one to work with, sadness takes you away, knowing that as a mother you fought to raise your son and when your son is grown up, when the boy is already helping as if he were the father, the man of the house, they take him away from me miserably, as they took him away from me. Everything goes down. His morale is dead. His name was Germán Andrés Cinfuentes. One is left there as if in limbo, to continue or not to continue. One is reluctant. A thousand unanswered questions. Now, as a mother, I try to see my children as my children, but also as actors, as subjects of a society. He was not a saint, he was a normal boy like any other. He didn’t drink, he didn’t smoke. He always came home, he was 21 years old and he didn’t go home, so the day he didn’t come home, something happened. So I think that
here this, this space would have advanced much more (Ibid) […] […].
If the farm does not facilitate with its production, the so longed-for food sovereignty, authentic engine of the project, then how can this unavoidable detail be overcome?
This is more experimental, isn’t it? And it works by barter, this here is not sold, it is shared. Sharing means that the other person receives and will share his harvest with me as well. This is more like barter, but if I don’t have anything, if I don’t harvest, I’m dead. I can hardly share. So I see a farmer’s market and I can take the yacon, for example, and I can exchange it for oranges or tangerines or cassava or bananas. I do it and we want to keep on going with the mutual markets, which are different markets. Now to build food sovereignty among all of us. What do we say? People have to know what sovereignty is. It is autonomy. What is autonomy? People hear the term, they hear the word but they don’t know. So for me – and I don’t know if I am wrong – autonomy is the capacity to think and decide. If I have the capacity to think about my life and to make the decision of where I want to take it, that is being autonomous and sovereignty, when one has the capacity to think and to decide, is the same, sovereignty over goods and means of production, that I can decide when I want to cultivate, what I want to cultivate and for what I want to cultivate and how. That I am not obliged, that they tell me that I have to plant this because it is what is fashionable, it is what is making money. (Ibid, July 2010).